

About this category:

In the category of the buildingreports we want to present the Genesis of the "Kingdom of Madunia". Many images with comments and sometimes even with videos show you the progress in time - sometimes they are telling a short story too.

It would give us greate pleasure if we get comments and helpful suggestions to our buildingreports in our forum in the buildingreport-category. Also you can discuss the reports with our other visitors.

Have fun !

Buildingreport Number 19

Tuesday, 2005-09-27 Continuing building the driveway

After the restauration and rennovation in the last weeks of the castle tavern and the mansion - which surprisingly got the construction manager as domicile (we reported) - now the "stone-eaters" was employeed again:

Images 1 to 4:

For continuing building the driveway dozens of stones was needed...

Images 5 to 7:

The wall was dranwed around the driveway until the tunnel. Also the battlement was extended and terminated with a staircase.

Images 8 to 10:

The staircase enabled the passage to the next lower level. But not only the workmen puzzle about, if a passage also to the upper road is planed by the construction manager - maybe this would save the one or other way for the workmen. What think our readers: build the staircase or not ?

Image 11:

But also the "electro-runts" was not inactively, although after the stress of the last weeks with only one new lamp they take it very easy: At last the tunnel was illuminated, so that at night the royal construction manager not need to strain himself.

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